Diagonal Norte
3 min readNov 6, 2020

By Giuliana Migale Rocco

The Rhythm of the World: How can Public Policies Listen?

@ Andrew Buchanan — Unsplash

“Poetry transforms the world but never invents a new one”
Tamara Kamenszain, Una intimidad inofensiva

In a context where, as Baricco affirms in The Game, the world “appears to us like a mysterious frontier”, where the revolution we are experiencing “blanches, becomes mute, becomes abysmal”, what compass could order thought? How can we approach, from a digital perspective, the nuances of our own reality? How can we design public policies when the lineality between decisions, interventions and their impact is no longer clear?

The fragmentation of contents, the autonomy of people when it comes to approaching information and the dematerialization of the relations portrait a transition to a new economic and social model. A model in which digital platforms are presented as a phenomenon with the power of transforming existing infrastructures, products, services and content. This digital revolution has actually originated in a mental and cultural revolution; that is, in our way of approaching, seeing and even being in the world.

Therefore, the question before us is: How can we approach our own mental cognitions and thoughts?

we just need
to experiment
to move from the relational
and, thus
develop a train of thought
(always dynamic)
(never rigid)
that is rooted
in what exists
and evolves
along the way
with the certainty
that is it, only
and only, a sketch

If — as Alexander Kluge argues- immediate experience cannot be expressed without errors or clearly distinguish which are the most relevant aspects of a certain situation, how can we design policies, programs and projects that provide sustainable solutions to the problems that arise in our contemporaneity?

Obviously, there is no univocal answer to this question. However, we can say that the content of a public policy — from the definition of the problem to the development and implementation of its course of action — is mediated (and even conditioned) by a set of general and specific institutional rules, a broad framework public, private and civil society actors, and the access to different types of resources. In this sense, the quality of each intervention will be determined by: the strategic coherence of the policy i.e. the consistency between the policies, their goals, and internal management processes; the functional capacity of those involved, associated with their competence, but also with their motivation and flexibility; and the degree of integration between all the stakeholders that make up the ecosystem in which the intervention is located.

In short, the ability to guarantee the harmony of the expectations and interests of the different actors tends to raise the sense of belonging and reduce conflicts when managing and implementing the projects designed. But, above all, it allows us to value the tangible and intangible heritage of each community.

Innovating means evolving; which means to build, from that which already exists, a model outside of what is usually expected. And thus, by identifying a base cartography, which eventually becomes a tactical plan that enables connections between the proposed objectives and the desired transformations, perhaps we can co-create value propositions that allow us to find adaptable initiatives for our own future.

Diagonal Norte
Diagonal Norte

Written by Diagonal Norte

Construimos soluciones modulares para potenciar organizaciones que buscan generar impacto en la comunidad

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